I've never been a fan of traditional magic systems in JRPGs, what I call "MP Goes Down." In this system, you have X MP, and then when you use spells, it decreases. Once you hit 0, well, that's it, no more spells for you. My problem is, in situations where you don't care about conserving it you just use the most expensive spells first to minimize enemy turns, and it situations where you do (which is its own thing I don't like), you use weak ones or, worse, spam Attack. Fossil Fighters is different though. In Fossil Fighters, your "MP" (FP, Fossil Points) increases every turn. Meaning that every turn, you have to decide whether to save up for something expensive, or use something cheap now. Furthermore, the FP is shared between team members. This all means that moves are never simply outclassed as the game goes on; there's always (in theory, anyway) that puzzle of trying to fit the moves' costs together for the best results across the whole match. And since FP just goes away after every match, there's no dread that you're wasting some you might need in later fights. I know some people like that sort of tension, but to me it's just unfair and annoying, at least in situations where you don't know what's coming next, and if the fights are easy enough where you don't need spells at all and can circumvent the issue that way then it's just boring.